When my Mom was diagnosed with Cancer in August of 2009, I was an active member of the community participating in the caregivers's support group along with other programs. When my Mom died, 9 months later, I spent the following year processing through her death as a member of the bereavement group. Both groups proved to be invaluable to me. Two years later, I am privileged to return to the community as an MFT Trainee, now co-faciliting support groups.
So how do we go from a chapter in my book of life to bananas????? Often times, people will drop off fresh fruits or flowers at the community. This week some generous person dropped off a huge case of bananas. Just before I was getting ready to leave, I heard a community member say, "I wish someone could make banana bread out of these bananas". It was music to my ears so I found my favorite banana bread recipe and have been going banana's all morning.